The main purpose of the MapPad application is measurement however the application can be used as well for many other purposes connected to sport and outdoor activities planning.

Below you can find main application features with a simple description provided:

Display Map –at the momentthe application is capable of displaying 9 different background maps from 3 different data providers:

  • Open Street Map (Default Mapnik basemap and Cycle Map)
  • Bing Maps (Road, Road+Satellite , Satellite)
  • Google Maps (Standard, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain) – Available only in MapPad Pro

On the top to the Global Map providers listed above MapPad Pro is able to display Google Maps overlays. The overlays are WMS or ArcGIS Server Tiled services. Version Pro has the option to add custom WMS and ArcGIS Server tiled services.

List of available services tested as the Google Maps Overlay:

You can change the default basemap using the drop-down list at the top of the screen.

Offline Maps –the application is capable of displaying customized map tiles prepared in OSM Mapnik format.

Measurement – using MapPad you are able to measure length, area or register waypoints using 3 available methods.

  • Tap on the map – this method can be used to register points manually for example before going for a trip or any other outdoor activity. You can add the places you want to visit in the town or mark all the points you want to walk through. You can as well measure length or area based on the Satellite view of the map.
  • Map Cursor – method similar to the one described above but you have more control over the coordinates precision, you can point the cursor to the place exactly where it should be then press the ‘Add’ button to register the point.
  • GPS Points – using this method you are registering your current location directly from the GPS device. The precision of the measurement can vary and is dependent from many factors. You can always check the current accuracy opening the ‘GPS Info’ screen.

Data Export – MapPad has number of export options.

  • Registered length or area measurements can be exported using following formats KML, GPX, CSV and DXF. You can as well share the data directly using Google Fusion Tables and upload as well your tracks directly to Open Street Map. Exported files can be also shared using G Drive, G Mail or Ever Noteemail or Skype.
  • The whole categories of registered waypoints can be exported to KML, GPX or CSV format and shared after export G Drive, G Mail, Ever Noteemail or Skype.
  • MapPad Pro has an option to export measurement results as KML and GPX files directly to Dropbox, exported files can be accessed immediately using the same Dropbox account on another device or PC.

Exported files comply with the file standards and can be then analyzed using another software or service like Google Earth.

Data Import – At the moment MapPad is capable of importing standard KML and GPX files from local SD card or Dropbox (second option is available only in MapPad Pro).

Units – MapPad  has support for number of common linear and area units:

  • meter, kilometer, foot, yard, mile, nautical mile
  • square meter, are, hectare, acre, square foot, square yard, square kilometer, square mile, square nautical mile

Coordinates – MapPad  has support for number of coordinate systems:

Tracking – You can activate GPS tracking during your measurement at any time.

  • Time and distance interval for saving points can be changed in the settings, it can be increased during the walking sessions or lowered when recording track by car.

Data Editing -Some descriptive details of the stored data can be edited.

  • Name and Description for measurements and waypoints can be changed at any time.
  • Waypoints can be grouped into categories and these can be changed at any time.
  • You can add new categories or edit/remove existing ones as well set the default category for new points using the application settings.
  • You can stop the measurement at any time, ones it’s saved you can re-load it back to the map view and continue your measurement.
  • Point data can be collected using ‘Project Management’ Add-In for MapPad Pro – this extension is effective and time saving option for any GPS surveys. More Details…

Application’s change logs: